+45 54881700 vuc@vucstor.dk

The European Network for Entrepreneurship in Adult Eduation


Work in progress – how did we do it

Working documents examples

The European Network for Entrepreneurship in Adult Education – ENTNET

Preliminary timeline April – December 2021



A new network for strengthening and developing a coherent local, national, and European approach for using entrepreneurship education

as a tool for social inclusion


Timeframe Tasks Action
Until end June 2021

Exploring existing networks of entrepreneurship training in Europe. ENTNET strategy for added value.


Research into similar and competitive networks in Europe.

Erasmus+ database, targeted search on Internet, national policy makers etc.


Competition analysis and target group analysis.


August 2021

Formalization of ENTNET network.


Establish the role of ENTNET in relation to other already exciting networks.


Agree on structure, strategy, and development.


August – September 2021 Development of multi-functional homepage

Register domain name, agree on formalities around registration and hosting platform, social media etc.


Technological solution. Important to ensure both financial and hosting sustainability.


October – November 2021 Development of basic content

Presentation of project and partners, basic information on already existing national initiatives, National Policy Briefs, best practice, initiate toolbox collection, inspirational tools, pictures etc.


December 2021 and further into 2022 Promotion and growth

Start building a European partnership through recruiting other members / users of the network.


Policy makers, adult education organizations, national employment organizations, providers etc.



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