BlogpostsSocialt entreprenørskab – europæiske anbefalinger
Entreprenørskab i voksenuddannelse - hvad skal der til? Rasmus Kristiansen Det europæiske projekt SIATE – Social Inclusion of Adults Through Entrepreneurship – havde sin afsluttende konference i den tyske by, Freiburg, i efteråret 2023. Konferencen var den sidste af...
European Recommendations
Social Inclusion Through Entrepreneurship This European policy brief focuses on the insights gained from the expert presentations during our five conferences throughout our EU Erasmus+ KA3 project, SIATE (Social Inclusion of Adults Through Entrepreneurship -...
National policy brief Germany
German national policy brief This policy brief focuses on the insights gained during the German international conferences held in Freiburg on 28th of September 2023 under the umbrella of the EU Erasmus+ KA3 project SIATE (Social Inclusion of Adults Through...
New Learning perspectives
By Lars D. Evind and Michael S. Brock, HF & VUC Fyn As Higher preparatory single subject teachers at HF & VUC FYN, we have participated in the SIATE project, and based on our experiences from the project, we will here provide the perspectives and...
Teaching Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion
Teaching Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems, Ireland ( Pernille Skov Sørensen VUC, Denmark, ( It is widely argued in the international literature that sustainable economies emerge from...
National policy brief Ireland
Irish national policy brief This document describes the current state of policy and context of social inclusion though entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education in Ireland. It is intended to provide the SIATE consortium with the current position of the Irish...
Et kæmpe efteruddannelsesløft via Erasmus – ud fra et ledelsesperspektiv
Vi har på HF&VUC FYN gennem snart mange år arbejdet med uddannelsesprogrammer i EU-regi, tidligere Grundtvig og nu Erasmus+. Senest har vi været partnere i Erasmus-projektet ”SIATE”, som er et projekt du kan læse mere om her Vi har deltaget med 2 erfarne...
National policy brief Italy
Italian national policy brief This policy brief focuses on the insights gained during the Italian international conferences held in Rome on 28th of September 2022 under the umbrella of the EU Erasmus+ KA3 project SIATE, which involves fives countries: Denmark, Italy,...
National Policy Brief Norway
Norwegian national policy brief This policy brief focusses on the insights gained during the Norwegian international conferences held in Sandefjord on March 9th, 2023, under the umbrella of the EU Erasmus+ KA3 project SIATE.The SIATE conference in Sandefjord, Norway...
Be inspired
Be inspired How can we work with social inclusion through entrepreneurship education? One outcome of SIATE is international conferences with that specific focus. We have already looked at the possibilities in Denmark, Italy, Ireland and Norway. In September we will...