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Entrepreneurship Education model

EE model

Until June 2021 we have collected a number of 25 EE templates/policies/programmes/projects from all the project partners and started to analyze them according to their communalities and differences. Three common elements have crystallized that impact the EE landscape in each country: 

  • The historical context and its multi-level governance policies. The most important elements that were identified here are as following: types of regimes, types of funding, collaborations/coordination among key actors, labour market, social and educational policies and EE policies: strategies, discourses, programmes, actions, measures, projects
  • The socio-political and cultural dimension: EE policies as dominant economic prerogatives vs. tapping individual resources, interrelations between the individual. Institutional and structural levels, access to labour market, state of the labour market: supply and demand for skills, types of entrepreneurships: niche, cultural and response models, as well as cultural dimensions.
  • Individual factors/entrepreneurial mindset: networks and family, own aspirations and life plans, education and training, levels of support, different types of skills

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